Deepening Practice

When Jess and I first sat down to envision Child’s Pose, I quickly realized that to establish a yoga studio (initially intended to cater solely to children), I needed a more comprehensive understanding of the practice to actually teach it. So, I enrolled in a local training in Venice, CA with a clear, albeit slightly naive, objective in mind. Beyond teaching kids poses, my only goals in signing up for my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training was simply to expand my knowledge of postures, master inversions, and satisfy my competitive drive to be the best in the room (hehe!).

To my surprise, as soon as my training began, I discovered that yoga is SO. MUCH. MORE. than mere physical poses on a rectangular mat. 🤯 Poses were the gateway drug to the entirety of the practice for me. The physical practice can foster strength, resilience, test your patience, unveil your patterns of self-talk, self-compassion, not to mention self-judgment. Though I sensed there was a deeper reason why I was drawn to yoga beyond the physical aspect, I wasn’t sure how to articulate it beyond, “it makes me feel good.” My former gymnast self found fulfillment in the movement and overtime, and through teacher training, I understood that my mental and emotional well-being thrived the more I understood the philosophy of yoga. Being able to connect the dots and recognize the ways my practice served me off the mat, drove the desire to learn more and more about the whole of this practice.

Learning about the 8 limbs of yoga blew my mind. Having grown up without any religious or ethical framework, I longed for a moral compass in life. Lo and behold, delving into the principles of yoga—the Yamas & Niyamas, the first two limbs of practice—provided just that. It offered me guidance on how to treat myself and others, how to pursue my highest good, and how to contribute positively to the world without imposing my beliefs on others. I suddenly grasped that outward bodily alignment in a posture doesn't determine one's progress, as each individual is on a deeply personal journey. "Comparison is the thief of joy," my teachers often emphasized on the mat 😌 a sentiment I finally internalized. It’s not about being the best in the room, it about embracing where you are and growing from there. I can’t help but remember the way I started incorporating props into my physical practice, seeing them not as a symbol of weakness but of strength. Taking support where I needed it on the mat was a direct result of my growing understanding of yoga and a lesson that continues to develop to this day.

Deepening my practice didn't solely involve being more disciplined on the mat; it entailed being more compassionate toward myself off it. DAMN. There's an abundance to gain from delving into all facets of this practice. An abundance that as studio owners, we want everyone to tap into!

🗓 June 15th, our wonderful teacher Bruna will begin a 7 part workshop to help you deepen your practice. Yoga Fundamentals will be offered once a month from June through the end of this year.

Dive into yoga philosophy and the 8 limbs and see how your practice expands!

Read more about her offering here. And save your spot here.

Sending you the biggest love always,



The longest relationship you’ll ever have is the one with yourself.