Slow Down To Speed Up.

Feels counterintuitive, right? Honestly, nothing feels more like a struggle than attempting to get still or slow down when you sense the urgency to keep producing, creating, and building more, more, more! You know that sensation when you can't feel your feet on the ground anymore, and instead of being in the flow, it actually feels like you're getting swept away?

Listen, multitasking is definitely a skill. As small business owners who must wear many hats at once, we know that juggling is necessary, sometimes even vital! HOWEVER, as soon as we become aware that we've lost that sense of anchoring, that's the cue to slow it down. We notice this most in those transitional moments of life - moving apartments, changing jobs, beginning and ending relationships; it's always the in-between that gets a little messy.

So, like anything else, our awareness helps us smooth things out. While the mess is unavoidable at times, with practice, we can navigate the messy by keeping a sense of internal balance.

When you're in a transitional moment and need to get somewhere fast, here are 3 practices to help you slow down in order to speed up:"

  • Use your imagination. Wayne Dyer reminds us in his book, The Power of Intention, that your will power will only gets you so far but, “your imagination allows you the fabulous luxury of thinking from the end. There’s no stopping anyone who can think from the end.” While determination can drive us forward, relentless pursuit often leads to burnout. So instead of bulldozing your way through tasks, take time to connect to your imagination. Envision and explore what achieving your goals could look and feel like when done effortlessly. Dedicate time to connect with your imagination, allowing creative visions to unfold. Set a timer if needed, close your eyes, visualize your destination, and work backward to the present. Capture these thoughts in writing to solidify them, then resume your journey with newfound ease.

  • Change your scenery. We know that feeling of hitting a wall all too well. Whether you're facing a looming deadline or stuck in a repetitive conversation, a change of environment can work wonders. Break the monotony by stepping away from your usual setting. The shift doesn’t have to be drastic - take a brief walk outside, visit a local park, find solace near water, or grab a coffee at a nearby shop. The key is to disrupt the pattern, creating space to gain clarity and move forward with a renewed sense of ease. Don't overthink it; simply create a distance between yourself and the task at hand to facilitate a fresh perspective.

  • Right Nostril Breathing. While it may seem obvious to suggest sitting down and focusing on your breath, it’s effective! If you're feeling disconnected from the ground, plant yourself down, plug your left nostril with your right pinky finger and breathe in and out through your right nostril. Why the right side? In Chinese medicine, the right side represents the yang energy associated with action. This technique not only boosts your energy but also promotes balance by matching the length of inhales to exhales. Give it a try—it's not only effective but also a fun and makes you feel great!

Ok that’s all we got! This is the last week of our New Year’s sale - grab a 4 pack for only $40. If you love practicing in our space, invite a friend! $10 per class is a great deal, share the love!

Thank you always for your support,



The longest relationship you’ll ever have is the one with yourself.


"A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds." - Cristina Re